Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

Dismantle DHS & Defeat Trump

July 29th, 2020

Today Trump announced that he will call back federal officers from Portland. It was another failed political stunt, but it shows us how far he is willing to go to retain power. The federal agents who descended on the city, uninvited and unwelcome, in unmarked vehicles, disappearing people with little to no regard for civil liberties, […]


Hacia Compañerismo y Conciencia: Pro-Blackness in Action

May 29th, 2020

As a national multi-racial Latinx organization Mijente stands with all Black communities across the country who are calling out the injustice of the state sanctioned murder of Black people in the hands of the police. Latinx communities must show up now, correct and powerfully. We must go beyond hollowed statements of solidarity and towards a […]


Love and Agitation in the Times of Corona

March 24th, 2020

Hi everyone, We’ve been in covid-tena since last Friday. I got tested for covid-19 on Tuesday due to possible exposure to confirmed cases, ensuring we were most informed for my team that was exposed to me as well, and experiencing symptoms. We are still waiting for my results; B has not shown any symptoms (yay!). [...]


¿Sin El Qué?

March 10th, 2020

We are excited to announce the launch of La Vida Local, a new initiative to incubate sin el estado (without the state) work within our Mijente membership! What is Sin El Estado (Without the State) Work? “Sin El Estado” takes the work of resistance and moves it one step further into the realm of imagination […]


We are a Network of Latinx Therapists who Believe in Abolishing ICE

November 11th, 2019

My name is Imelda Ojeda and I am part of the Latinx Therapist Action Network.  I am also a Masters in Social Work, a Mexican immigrant and a Therapist. Most of all I am deeply committed to the healing of Latinx people in my lifetime.  I believe that we will win and I believe that we will […]


Building our Resilience in the Face of Deportation Threats

June 26th, 2019

In this moment, when the state weaponizes trauma against our migrant communities, our tactic becomes building resilience.  The suffering inflicted on migrants has intensified during the current administration, illuminating the need for our movements to have access to culturally grounded and justice-oriented healing that is accessible to our frontline communities. The current political assaults on [...]


Six Wins to Revel in from Chicago’s Election Beyond the Mayor’s Race

February 27th, 2019

We asked local comic designer and art activist and organizer, Vicko Alvarez Vega, to break down why last night’s election was a victory against Chicago machine politics at every level.  References to machine politics and race dynamics in Chicago aren’t super common in other cities so very briefly here’s a summary of how much this […]


Case of Detained 15-Month-Old Baby Exposes Continued Separation of Families by Trump

January 24th, 2019

    Father’s charging documents did not include details of the family separation, hiding it from the court and from the public. Family and advocates demand her immediate release and demand answers to why the government continues to separate families.   PHOENIX — The Trump administration is still separating families who are stopped and detained […]


Miami Escuelita: Aprendizaje Across Generations

September 27th, 2018

We are so excited for our intergenerational panel at the Miami Escuelita for Latinx changemakers this weekend September 29-30! Here’s a preview of the poderosas that will be sharing time and experience with us. Check out the full agenda aqui and remember, it’s not too late to Register!  Rosa Alicia Clemente is an organizer, political commentator and independent journalist. [...]


Boston Escuelita: Aprendizaje Across Generations

July 20th, 2018

We are so excited for our Elders Panel at the Boston Escuelita for Latinx changemakers this weekend July 21-22! Here's a preview of the poderosxs that will be sharing time and experience with us. Check out the full agenda aquí. Remember, it's not too late to register!*  “Today I am alive because of love,” Felix [...]
