Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

SpaceX Invasion: Millionaires, Mars, and Modern Colonization in Texas

September 29th, 2023

Picture this: you’re scrolling through your Twitter feed – trauma dumping, subtweeting, or whatever vice you choose, then, bam. It’s not Twitter anymore, now it’s “X.”  The cute blue bird we grew up with in the early 2000’s and the comforting blue quill that saw too many rants is gone, and for what?  We have […]


Herencia, Historia, Mijente: Our Politics, Culture, and People

September 15th, 2023

This year we reclaim ‘Hispanic Heritage Month’ as ‘Herencia, Historia, Mijente’. We celebrate the resilience, organizing, and leadership of our people.


U.S. Intervention in Latin America & Our Paths To Justice

September 11th, 2023

The realities of shared history & Opportunities of Solidarity from U.S. Progressives The U.S. government has a large debt to settle with Latin America and our gente — and it begins with truth telling and justice. The history of U.S. interaction in Latin American governments is steeped with intervention and destabilization, and it’s clear that […]


10 Moments in the History of Surveillance And Policing

August 24th, 2023

A short history on surveillance, policing, the criminalization of immigrant, BIPOC communities and how they’re reinforced by tech companies today.


The Dangers in Texas: Heat Waves and Shameless Politicians

August 3rd, 2023

Let’s be real – ‘ta caliente. As Latinxs we’re used to bringing the heat. Whether it be in our food, our music, or our passion, we’ve been accustomed to spicy lifestyles and even warmer climates for centuries. Still, nothing could have prepared Texas for the record breaking heat waves this summer…well, aside from our state […]


Behind the Scenes: Limitless Possibilities With Collective People Power

May 23rd, 2023

Since the founding of Mijente, we knew that we’d have to contest for power using multiple strategies for the good of our gente. Our communities have long been creating alternatives to oppressive structures. By providing help and support to one another when government systems left us high and dry, our people made a way where […]


The Awe Inspiring Working-Class & Latinx Power of North Philly

April 10th, 2023

In March, Mijente Support Committee (MSC) held a 2-day organizing session with Latinx community members in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, similar to the one we held in Laredo, Texas last summer. Our goal with this organizing training is bringing people to a shared understanding on what base building is, Mijente’s approach to organizing, and how we build […]


What is the History of el Día Internacional de la Mujer Trabajadora?

March 7th, 2023

Tomorrow, March 8th marks International Working Women’s Day, a day that recognizes the contributions of women to the global struggle for economic and political equality. But where did this day come from and what does it mean for us today? Take some time reading our post to learn about the history of el Día Internacional […]


7 Powerful Quotes on Alternatives to Punishment Culture

June 23rd, 2022

Since launching Mijente in 2015 to help our gente achieve el Buenvivir, we have thrown down to protect the physical wellbeing and safety of people in crisis. From actions to halt deportation proceedings, to demanding the cancellation of digital prison alternatives, to our latest report on Latinx experiences with the police – we center the [...]


Being Pro-Pachamama in the Age of Climate Emergency

April 22nd, 2022

Pro-pachamama is to commit to climate justice demands & understand Mother Earth as subject not object. Climate crisis requires organizing for radical policy change and the will to stand up to corporations who legally exploit our resources.
