Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

Moving Biden Toward Community Demands: Unity Task Force Releases Recs

July 8th, 2020

Mijente director Marisa Franco issued the following statement on the Biden campaign’s newly announced immigration policy commitments. Franco was a member of the campaign’s unity task force on immigration as one of the representatives negotiated by the Bernie Sanders team.


Mijente members in Louisville, KY denounce state violence against Black people

May 30th, 2020

Mijente members from Louisville, Kenucky, in solidarity with Black Lives Matter Louisville and Breonna Taylor’s family, unite in opposition to the recent murders of Black people at the hands of police and all the various forms of state sanctioned violence in Louisville, Kentucky. Mijente is a national Latinx grassroots organization founded on the grounds that [...]


Hacia Compañerismo y Conciencia: Pro-Blackness in Action

May 29th, 2020

As a national multi-racial Latinx organization Mijente stands with all Black communities across the country who are calling out the injustice of the state sanctioned murder of Black people in the hands of the police. Latinx communities must show up now, correct and powerfully. We must go beyond hollowed statements of solidarity and towards a […]


Drag King Bilingual Storytime con los MENtirosos

April 28th, 2020

Yesterday, @Losmentirosos read 3 books from the @lil_libros collection during “Bilingual DragKing Story Time” and it was amazing! Lil Libros makes bilingual children's books. Not only are they bilingual in Spanish and English, they also focus on classic, traditional, & pop culture topics that are relevant to la cultura Mexicana. These books are a great [...]


Georgia Sheriff Candidate Questionnaires

April 9th, 2020

Sheriffs in Georgia are powerful. At the top of their powers are whether and when to release our loved ones from jails, whether to require a cash bond to release them, or whether they are going to call immigration enforcement instead. This May residents of Cobb and Gwinnett County in Georgia will get a chance to […]


Recipes for Holistic Immunity Support for La Cura Podcast

March 29th, 2020

I recently had the pleasure of being on Mijente’s La Cura Podcast as the first guest of their Community Care Series that feature how different community healers, health practitioners, community leaders are tending to themselves and their communities during the current Covid19 global pandemic.  Below is a blog I wrote for it.  **All information and […]


Love and Agitation in the Times of Corona

March 24th, 2020

Hi everyone, We’ve been in covid-tena since last Friday. I got tested for covid-19 on Tuesday due to possible exposure to confirmed cases, ensuring we were most informed for my team that was exposed to me as well, and experiencing symptoms. We are still waiting for my results; B has not shown any symptoms (yay!). [...]


¿Sin El Qué?

March 10th, 2020

We are excited to announce the launch of La Vida Local, a new initiative to incubate sin el estado (without the state) work within our Mijente membership! What is Sin El Estado (Without the State) Work? “Sin El Estado” takes the work of resistance and moves it one step further into the realm of imagination […]


Pasos Pa’lante: Mijente Democratic Primary Endorsement

January 31st, 2020

The moment feels like it was yesterday. At a local Phoenix community center , we waited for the results of the 2016 election — waited to find out if our push to finally topple Maricopa County’s notorious sheriff Joe Arpaio had been successful. Local election results trickled in, and it became clear that we’d won. […]


Mijente Statement on Kentucky SB1, HB51, & SB89

January 28th, 2020

#CrushICE   #SanctuaryforAll   #NoSB1 To sign onto this letter, please contact [email protected] Spanish | English | French En fuerte solidaridad con activistas y organizadores, los miembros de Mijente Louisville y Lexington y en todx el estado de Kentucky, se unen en oposición a los proyectos de ley fascistas y anti-inmigrantes SB1, HB51 y SB89, […]
