I recently had the pleasure of being on Mijente’s La Cura Podcast as the first guest of their Community Care Series that feature how different community healers, health practitioners, community leaders are tending to themselves and their communities during the current Covid19 global pandemic. Below is a blog I wrote for it.
**All information and recipes on this blog are offered to lift up traditional, cultural folk remedies and are not prescriptive, please consult your health care practitioner for advice**
Water is our first medicine! Water, steam, and sweat are medicines that Aboriginal people worldwide have used for healing since the beginning of time. In these days of fever and global burning, hydration is imperative. Water is of course also a medium for the goodness of our plant medicines, delivered in soups and teas, diffused through steam, saturated in poultices and wraps. The plantitas in your kitchen make foundational, supportive medicine for these times. Use what you have on hand, like rosemary, thyme, oregano, and mints. A simple tea infusion can be made by adding a tablespoon of herbs to a cup of boiling water, or add these herbs in your cooking. Water holds memory and stores vibrational imprints of its surroundings. When you cook with and drink water today, pray to your water, offer thanks, imbue it with messages of love, healing and ease.
In this link you can find the recipes that were generously shared by my dear friends, curanderas Grace Alvarez Sesma and Alejandra Foerg.
My interview with La Cura Podcast is here, part I in the community care series for holistic support. Below are the recipes offered for part II.

Diana Inlak’ech, ND is a licensed naturopathic doctor at the intersection of social justice, spirituality and healing, specializing in somatic bodywork, integrative mental health, and decolonized healing modalities within a politicized framework. Learn more at her blog Holistic Support for Immunity and Viral Prevention.