Posts Tagged ‘President Trump’

CASE STUDY: Holiday Inn, Don’t be a #HostForHate

June 1st, 2016

Campaign Name: Holiday Inn, Don’t Be a #HostForHate Target: Holiday Inn Conference Center in Janesville, Wisconsin. Demand: Cancel the Trump rally. Don’t be a host for hate. Frame: During Donald Trump’s campaign for President, he announced racist and sexist views. When people protested, his supporters often turned violent and his campaign racially profiled attendees, kicking [...]


CASE STUDY: Stop the Trump Effect in Arizona

June 1st, 2016

By painting the bills as part of Trumps’ hate and racism and tying them to past efforts that were extremely damaging, the campaign made them toxic.


Make America Mexico Again Parody Hats Take Off

May 23rd, 2016

What started as a joke became a viral fundraising campaign.


Jacinta Gonzalez on Democracy Now: Arrested for Protesting The Trump Effect

March 22nd, 2016

On Saturday, March 19th, Mijente’s field director, Jacinta Gonzalez, was arrested during the #StopTrump protest that blocked roads leading to his rally in the neighborhood that is home to Sheriff Arpaio and other anti-immigrant officials.

Watch her interview on Democracy Now where she discusses the Trump effect on state policy, her arrest, and the subsequent racial profiling that led to her transfer to immigration authorities despite being a US citizen.


Trump Protester Transferred to Immigration Authorities in Arizona

March 20th, 2016

“As I was trying to defend my rights inside, I saw the faces of two children in one of the holding cell. We’re going to continue to fight, to say #Not1More, and Dump Trump.”


Statement from AZ Trump Protesters

March 19th, 2016

The greatest act of love we can show is to shut down hate where it rears its head and demand that we do better than the cheap politics and false solutions that Trump is peddling.


5 Electoral and Legislative Fights for Woke Latinxs to Watch this Spring (and their Hashtags)

March 15th, 2016

When it comes to legislative and electoral politics, the result has been a new round of policy changes and electoral campaigns in 2016 proposing to make our communities unwelcoming to refugees, erase local protections for immigrants from raids and deportation, increase criminalization of immigration, and hyper-target non-citizens who have any encounter with law enforcement and can be labeled as “felons not families,” as President Obama so eloquently put it.

For your information and general planning this Spring, here is a list of the top 5 electoral and legislative fights to watch:
