Posts Tagged ‘National politics’

Jeff Sessions is a Walking Monument to the Confederacy

August 30th, 2017

He’s seriously named after the President and a General of it.


After Health Care Loss, Trump Goes to Long Island to Beat Up on Immigrants

July 28th, 2017

“At a time when the administration is trying to defund health care, PBS, or almost all other government agencies over their supposed costs, it’s ridiculous to see it also trying to inflate ICE’s payroll.”


Three Lessons from Fighting Obama Raids to Organize Under a Trump Regime

February 21st, 2017

While enforcement under the new regime represents an expansion and escalation, it is built upon past practices that can provide us with key lessons now.


Expanding Sanctuary Policy Solutions – A Crowdsourced Guide

February 16th, 2017

This is a living list of legislation that has been passed or proposed to address increasing protections and/or reducing criminalization.


Una Expansión del Santuario: Pasos en Desafío del Orden Ejecutivo de Trump

February 15th, 2017

Si Trump busca despojarnos del santuario, entonces debemos desafiarlo. Y nuestro desafío no debe simplemente recrear lo que existió, sino ampliarlo, reimaginarlo y darle vida a sus posibilidades.


The Shovel, The Picket Sign and The Muse

January 20th, 2017

as Trump puts his hand on the bible, millions put their feet on the streets to pledge resistance. What is done today in resistance, we can only hope it is a rev up and not a final gasp in reaction to the 2016 election.


Resistance in Reaction to Trump: We Will Not Be Governed by Fear

July 22nd, 2016

If it was unclear before why it is a national responsibility for all of us to wall off Trump, his acceptance speech should have ended any doubts.


Updates from #WallOffTrump Protest at the RNC

July 20th, 2016

On the third day of the Convention, the wall builders are peacefully standing up to the hatred represented by the Republican candidate, defending their communities, and calling for others to wall off Trump and his hate across the country.


Make America Mexico Again Parody Hats Take Off

May 23rd, 2016

What started as a joke became a viral fundraising campaign.


How Hillary Clinton Responds to People Who Bring Up the Coup in Honduras

May 19th, 2016

“I’ll just keep talking,” she said, as activists raised the issue of murdered human rights defenders in Honduras.
