Posts Tagged ‘National politics’

New Report: Three Ways DC Can Improve “Sanctuary” Policies to #AbolishICE from the City

November 1st, 2018

Download the Report Today, Mijente and the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild (NIPNLG) released a new report, Three Ways D.C. Can Improve its “Sanctuary City” Policies to #AbolishICE from the City, that exposes the ways that D.C. participates in raids and deportations of its community members. The report calls on D.C. officials […]


This Election, Pon tu Granito de Arena

October 30th, 2018

Every day we wonder if things could get any worse. For so many across our communities, it does. Trump is clear that the elections are a referendum on his agenda and tactics; he’s aggressively making his closing arguments and touting his track record this week. From sending troops to the border, promising fictitious tax cuts, [...]


No Ban, No Wall, No Cages! #FreeOurFuture

June 26th, 2018

June 26, 2018 While the Trump Administration has intensified the war on Muslim communities in new and dangerous ways, our Muslim neighbors have been facing heightened threats to their survival for years. In the aftermath of 9/11, the U.S. government framed Muslims and immigrants as threats to the “homeland,” leading to the massive reorganization of […]


6 things everyone who cares about stopping separation of children must know about Trump’s Executive Order

June 20th, 2018

[En español abajo] ¡Ojo! Trump executive order still allows for family imprisonment and continued prosecutions. A quick look of the text shows: DHS will receive more money to create new family prisons that will hold parents and children together, while the parents are being criminally prosecuted and while their deportation cases are pending. Given that criminal […]


Dramatic Increase of Mass Prosecutions Intensifies Family Separation and Criminalization Crisis

June 7th, 2018

Attorney General Jeff Sessions brings back controversial Operation Streamline to San Diego Today news broke that the Trump administration is significantly escalating its “zero tolerance” policy when it comes to immigrants seeking refuge in the U.S. and plan to introduce a “fast-track” mass prosecution program. Akin to the already existent Operation Streamline in southern Texas […]


Shackle Sessions, Not the People #FueraSessions #SessionsOUT

March 26th, 2018

  Washington, D.C. – A statue of Attorney General Jeff Sessions was be unveiled in front of the U.S. Supreme Court today by Latinx and immigrant rights organizers, calling attention to the defense of the Department of Justice in favor of chaining and shackling all people appearing before a federal judge. In the case, United […]


Trump Supreme Court Gives ICE Power to Hold People Indefinitely, Making Private Prisons Millions

February 27th, 2018

  The Supreme Court of the United States ruled today that U.S. Immigration officials can hold people indefinitely, without receiving bond hearings. Carlos Garcia, Mijente member and Executive Director of Puente Human Rights Movement in Arizona, issued the following statement on behalf of the organizations: “The decision of the Supreme Court will have a permanent impact […]


National Lawsuit Seeks to Expose Secrecy of Immigration Raids

November 13th, 2017

Immigrant and civil rights groups around the country file lawsuit after ICE fails to disclose information regarding recent mass raids and threats of mass raids. Groups also highlight abuse of ICE agents and current harsh immigration enforcement tactics through coordinated events. Click here to read the lawsuit (Washington D.C) -- Organizations around the country are [...]


Day After DACA Repeal, Immigrants Take Down Statue of Jeff Sessions Outside the DOJ

September 6th, 2017

After yesterday's announcement that the White House is terminating the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, groups rallied in front of the Department of Justice to condemn Attorney General Jeff Sessions for his role in ending DACA and promoting hyper discriminatory, anti-immigrant, and pro-prison practices. Groups Mijente, Organized Communities Against Deportations (OCAD), Juntos, United [...]


Mijente Reacts to Trump’s Cancellation of DACA

September 5th, 2017

We Will Organize Against this White Supremacist President’s Agenda September 5, 2017 In response to the announcement that the White House is terminating the deferred action for childhood arrivals (DACA) program, Marisa Franco, director of Mijente, issued the following statement:             “Jeff Sessions is a living monument to the Confederacy. He and Donald Trump’s white [...]
