Posts Tagged ‘Latinx organizing’

New Report: Three Ways DC Can Improve “Sanctuary” Policies to #AbolishICE from the City

November 1st, 2018

Download the Report Today, Mijente and the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild (NIPNLG) released a new report, Three Ways D.C. Can Improve its “Sanctuary City” Policies to #AbolishICE from the City, that exposes the ways that D.C. participates in raids and deportations of its community members. The report calls on D.C. officials […]


This Election, Pon tu Granito de Arena

October 30th, 2018

Every day we wonder if things could get any worse. For so many across our communities, it does. Trump is clear that the elections are a referendum on his agenda and tactics; he’s aggressively making his closing arguments and touting his track record this week. From sending troops to the border, promising fictitious tax cuts, [...]


Miami Escuelita: Aprendizaje Across Generations

September 27th, 2018

We are so excited for our intergenerational panel at the Miami Escuelita for Latinx changemakers this weekend September 29-30! Here’s a preview of the poderosas that will be sharing time and experience with us. Check out the full agenda aqui and remember, it’s not too late to Register!  Rosa Alicia Clemente is an organizer, political commentator and independent journalist. [...]


Escuelitas Are Back For 2018!

July 4th, 2018

What Are Escuelitas? Last summer, we held our first series of  Mijente Escuelitas for members and potential members to deepen our analysis, grow our skills, and strengthen the community of Latinx changemakers who can take on the attacks of our time and seize the opportunities to transform our future. The training will focus on looking [...]


Mijente Responds to “Extreme and Retaliatory” Charges Against ‘Zero Tolerance’ Protesters Arrested During Yesterday’s Day of Action

July 3rd, 2018

Yesterday, 10 protesters were arrested for participating in a peaceful civil disobedience during the #FreeOurFuture Day of Action in downtown San Diego. The action was intended to send the message that people around the nation are demanding the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) and the against the criminalization of migrants by the […]


Leading Latinx Racial Justice Organization Releases “Free Our Future” Policy Platform in Wake of War Waged Against Immigrants

June 28th, 2018

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Monica Trevino, 773-573-8667 / [email protected] Leading Latinx Racial Justice Organization Releases “Free Our Future” Policy Platform in Wake of War Waged Against Immigrants Policy Calls for Full-Scale Decriminalization of Immigration Today, Mijente, a national Latinx organization leading on mobilizing against immigration enforcement and criminalization, released a comprehensive immigration policy platform “Free […]


No Ban, No Wall, No Cages! #FreeOurFuture

June 26th, 2018

June 26, 2018 While the Trump Administration has intensified the war on Muslim communities in new and dangerous ways, our Muslim neighbors have been facing heightened threats to their survival for years. In the aftermath of 9/11, the U.S. government framed Muslims and immigrants as threats to the “homeland,” leading to the massive reorganization of […]


Dramatic Increase of Mass Prosecutions Intensifies Family Separation and Criminalization Crisis

June 7th, 2018

Attorney General Jeff Sessions brings back controversial Operation Streamline to San Diego Today news broke that the Trump administration is significantly escalating its “zero tolerance” policy when it comes to immigrants seeking refuge in the U.S. and plan to introduce a “fast-track” mass prosecution program. Akin to the already existent Operation Streamline in southern Texas […]


BREAKING: Federal Judge Grants Freedom to Activist Alejandra Pablos From Immigration Detention

April 19th, 2018

Federal judge grants activist Alejandra Pablos freedom from detention, showing community organizing works. Now we must demand that Governor Ducey pardon Alejandra so she can have a chance to fight her deportation and stay home. Follow Mijente to see live video of release Sign the Petition for Pardon Share the video of her release What […]


Calling ALL Latinxs! Help Elect the First Black Female Governor in the Nation!

April 18th, 2018

What does Georgia have to do with defending our families and communities against Trump?
