Posts Tagged ‘Latinx organizing’

The Marching Orders To ICE Agents & Our Intervention

June 15th, 2021

Deportations and immigration enforcement have continued to be a part of our daily lives. In the past few months, we’ve seen detention rates rise and President Biden call for an $18 million increase in ICE funding. And just last week the Supreme Court made it harder for immigrants with temporary protective status (TPS) to become […]



January 13th, 2021

AN INTERVIEW WITH JAVIER SANDOVAL On October 25, 2020, the people of Chile voted “yes” on the referendum which asked voters two questions: should Chile convene a constitutional convention to write a brand-new constitution? If yes, who should write that new constitution – an assembly comprising half congressional representatives and half citizens, or an assembly […]


Undoing Trump’s Immigration Policies Won’t Be Enough. We Must Dismantle the Immigration Caging and Deportation Machine.

January 8th, 2021

A return to the Obama years would mean more desperation, more deportations, and more death. Here, Mijente lays out six policies the Biden Administration can enact if it is serious about improving the lives of immigrants. When it comes to immigration policy, Joe Biden has promised to undo the harms of the Trump administration.  Good. […]


You Have to Be Clear on What You Are Fighting For – A Conversation with Adelina Nicholls

December 30th, 2020

Georgia emerged this year as the swing state nobody expected, not only resulting in a victory for President Biden, but also playing a pivotal role in the balance of power in the Senate with a Runoff election. In the middle of all this, we spoke to Adelina Nicholls, director of the Georgia Latino Alliance for […]


It’s a fight everyday in Florida: Stories from Florida Organizers

December 11th, 2020

If you’re from Florida and you saw your state becoming red just a few weeks ago during elections, odds are you were not surprised. For many Southern organizers on the ground it was frustrating to see the uncomplicated ways Florida was discussed as election results rolled in. This week, Mijente chatted with organizers from Mijente […]


We’ve made it to Election Day. What comes after is up to all of us.

November 3rd, 2020

It’s election day. Finally. We expect to see record breaking turnout of voters in this cycle, millions having already participated and many more who will show up at the polls on Tuesday. The contours of the outcome are taking shape and we believe there will be a resounding showing of people who are often counted […]


Chingona Guide for Love in the Time of XX*

October 29th, 2020

We’re excited to present the Chingona Guide for Love in the Time of XX*: 8 simple practices for health and happiness during a global pandemic, written by Jessica Aranda and illustrated and designed by James Aranda and Gloria T. Aranda.   Jessica is a Mijente member based in stolen Tiwa land (Albuquerque, New Mexico). This guide […]


Dismantle DHS & Defeat Trump

July 29th, 2020

Today Trump announced that he will call back federal officers from Portland. It was another failed political stunt, but it shows us how far he is willing to go to retain power. The federal agents who descended on the city, uninvited and unwelcome, in unmarked vehicles, disappearing people with little to no regard for civil liberties, […]


Moving Biden Toward Community Demands: Unity Task Force Releases Recs

July 8th, 2020

Mijente director Marisa Franco issued the following statement on the Biden campaign’s newly announced immigration policy commitments. Franco was a member of the campaign’s unity task force on immigration as one of the representatives negotiated by the Bernie Sanders team.


Mijente members in Louisville, KY denounce state violence against Black people

May 30th, 2020

Mijente members from Louisville, Kenucky, in solidarity with Black Lives Matter Louisville and Breonna Taylor’s family, unite in opposition to the recent murders of Black people at the hands of police and all the various forms of state sanctioned violence in Louisville, Kentucky. Mijente is a national Latinx grassroots organization founded on the grounds that [...]
