Posts Tagged ‘Latinx organizing’

Three Lessons from Fighting Obama Raids to Organize Under a Trump Regime

February 21st, 2017

While enforcement under the new regime represents an expansion and escalation, it is built upon past practices that can provide us with key lessons now.


Chingona Guide to Self-Determination in Healing

January 28th, 2017

For the social justice warriors to take care of themselves: Step-by-step instructions for simple rituals and healing practices that anyone can do.


Chicagoans Push Mayor & Council to Expand Sanctuary Further in Defiance of Trump

January 26th, 2017

“Sanctuary in Chicago today means a commitment not just to symbolically defy Trump but to actually transform our city’s policies to stop targeting us for imprisonment, risk of removal, and state violence at the hands of police and aggressive immigration agents.”


The Shovel, The Picket Sign and The Muse

January 20th, 2017

as Trump puts his hand on the bible, millions put their feet on the streets to pledge resistance. What is done today in resistance, we can only hope it is a rev up and not a final gasp in reaction to the 2016 election.


Case Study: Stop Immigrant Detention Expansion in Santa Ana

January 2nd, 2017

When the Santa Ana City Council considered a proposal to expand the number of immigrants the city would detain for ICE at profit in its jail (specifically transgender immigrant women), community members, immigrant rights, and LGBTQ rights organizations highlighted the fact that all the council members are Latino Democrats operating a for profit immigrant detention business.


Lánzate 2016 – Mijente Gathering in December (otra vez!)

September 20th, 2016

From December 2 – 4th we will gather for Lánzate (otra vez!) Last December we gathered in Chicago to formally launch Mijente, a digital and grassroots hub for Latinx and Chicanx organizing. Since then we’ve set off on designing the mijente membership, building an online action hub, taking action and supporting local campaigns against criminalization, [...]


Case Study: Stop the Trump Effect in Arizona, No More SB1070s

September 15th, 2016

When Arizona legislators started proposing a new round of anti-immigrant bills in 2015, Puente Human Rights Network labeled them “Trump bills” and tied them to the famous racial profiling law from 2010, SB1070, that cost the state millions of dollars.


These Boricuas are calling out Promesa and making a different commitment

August 3rd, 2016

After such a long history of colonization disguised by pretty little myths and lies, we don’t believe their promises.


Resistance in Reaction to Trump: We Will Not Be Governed by Fear

July 22nd, 2016

If it was unclear before why it is a national responsibility for all of us to wall off Trump, his acceptance speech should have ended any doubts.


Updates from #WallOffTrump Protest at the RNC

July 20th, 2016

On the third day of the Convention, the wall builders are peacefully standing up to the hatred represented by the Republican candidate, defending their communities, and calling for others to wall off Trump and his hate across the country.
