Posts Tagged ‘deportation’

A Guide on Organizing as Defense Against Federal Investigations and Prosecutions

June 5th, 2017

Mijente and the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild release a guide that outlines how community-based organizations can develop a security and defense plan in the event that federal law enforcement targets leaders or staff for federal investigation and prosecution.


Three Lessons from Fighting Obama Raids to Organize Under a Trump Regime

February 21st, 2017

While enforcement under the new regime represents an expansion and escalation, it is built upon past practices that can provide us with key lessons now.


Expanding Sanctuary Policy Solutions – A Crowdsourced Guide

February 16th, 2017

This is a living list of legislation that has been passed or proposed to address increasing protections and/or reducing criminalization.


Una Expansión del Santuario: Pasos en Desafío del Orden Ejecutivo de Trump

February 15th, 2017

Si Trump busca despojarnos del santuario, entonces debemos desafiarlo. Y nuestro desafío no debe simplemente recrear lo que existió, sino ampliarlo, reimaginarlo y darle vida a sus posibilidades.


Chicagoans Push Mayor & Council to Expand Sanctuary Further in Defiance of Trump

January 26th, 2017

“Sanctuary in Chicago today means a commitment not just to symbolically defy Trump but to actually transform our city’s policies to stop targeting us for imprisonment, risk of removal, and state violence at the hands of police and aggressive immigration agents.”


Case Study: Stop the Trump Effect in Arizona, No More SB1070s

September 15th, 2016

When Arizona legislators started proposing a new round of anti-immigrant bills in 2015, Puente Human Rights Network labeled them “Trump bills” and tied them to the famous racial profiling law from 2010, SB1070, that cost the state millions of dollars.
