Posts Tagged ‘criminalization’

Case Study: Stop Immigrant Detention Expansion in Santa Ana

January 2nd, 2017

When the Santa Ana City Council considered a proposal to expand the number of immigrants the city would detain for ICE at profit in its jail (specifically transgender immigrant women), community members, immigrant rights, and LGBTQ rights organizations highlighted the fact that all the council members are Latino Democrats operating a for profit immigrant detention business.


Case Study: Stop the Trump Effect in Arizona, No More SB1070s

September 15th, 2016

When Arizona legislators started proposing a new round of anti-immigrant bills in 2015, Puente Human Rights Network labeled them “Trump bills” and tied them to the famous racial profiling law from 2010, SB1070, that cost the state millions of dollars.


Trump Protester Transferred to Immigration Authorities in Arizona

March 20th, 2016

“As I was trying to defend my rights inside, I saw the faces of two children in one of the holding cell. We’re going to continue to fight, to say #Not1More, and Dump Trump.”


Statement from AZ Trump Protesters

March 19th, 2016

The greatest act of love we can show is to shut down hate where it rears its head and demand that we do better than the cheap politics and false solutions that Trump is peddling.
