Posts Tagged ‘Buenvivir’

“He is not experiencing the same Covid as we are”

October 12th, 2020

President Donald Trump put out a video after leaving Walter Reed Medical Center, in which he affirmed “don’t let COVID dominate you, don’t be afraid of it, you’re gonna beat it.” We spoke to three Latinx creatives at the intersections of queerness and disability about their experiences receiving care during a pandemic and the ways […]


Moving Biden Toward Community Demands: Unity Task Force Releases Recs

July 8th, 2020

Mijente director Marisa Franco issued the following statement on the Biden campaign’s newly announced immigration policy commitments. Franco was a member of the campaign’s unity task force on immigration as one of the representatives negotiated by the Bernie Sanders team.


Mijente members in Louisville, KY denounce state violence against Black people

May 30th, 2020

Mijente members from Louisville, Kenucky, in solidarity with Black Lives Matter Louisville and Breonna Taylor’s family, unite in opposition to the recent murders of Black people at the hands of police and all the various forms of state sanctioned violence in Louisville, Kentucky. Mijente is a national Latinx grassroots organization founded on the grounds that [...]


Ancestral Spiritual Resistance Zine – For Our Collective Healing

November 2nd, 2017

This Ancestral Spiritual Zine offers this collection of prayers, practices and intentions for the sake of the ancestors, for the sake of our families and the Earth who made us, and for the generations to come.


10 Powerful Quotes from bell hooks’ “All About Love”

May 2nd, 2017

“I feel our nation’s turning away from love...moving into a wilderness of spirit so intense we may never find our way home again. I write of love to bear witness both to the danger in this movement, and to call for a return to love." - Bell Hooks (2000)   To ground ourselves in love’s [...]
