Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

Chinga La Migra: Morristown Tennessee

June 3rd, 2018

In early April 2018, ICE raided a meat packing plant outside of Morristown, Tennessee. But ICE did not act alone, Tennessee Highway Patrol and local police diverted traffic and Tennessee National Guard opened up its facilities and functioned as a temporary immigrant detention center. Chinga La Migra Tour is coming to Morristown Tennessee on June [...]


Chinga La Migra: Chicago

May 30th, 2018

In Chicago, Chinga La Migra is hosted by OCAD, an undocu-led organization that has trained hundreds of leaders on the front lines, fighting wide-spread immigration raids. The Chinga La Migra tour is building off of the work OCAD has done pressing Chicago to live up to its promise of being a Sanctuary city, at the [...]


Voto de Mayo: National Latinx Mobilization for Stacey Abrams

April 24th, 2018

Stacey Abrams has the chance to be a national example of a progressive candidate of color who prioritizes the health and safety of our communities, defend immigrants and people of color over incarceration and criminalization, and if elected could be the first Black woman to be Governor in the history of the United States. This year, Mijente […]


BREAKING: Federal Judge Grants Freedom to Activist Alejandra Pablos From Immigration Detention

April 19th, 2018

Federal judge grants activist Alejandra Pablos freedom from detention, showing community organizing works. Now we must demand that Governor Ducey pardon Alejandra so she can have a chance to fight her deportation and stay home. Follow Mijente to see live video of release Sign the Petition for Pardon Share the video of her release What […]


Calling ALL Latinxs! Help Elect the First Black Female Governor in the Nation!

April 18th, 2018

What does Georgia have to do with defending our families and communities against Trump?


5 Ways to Support Ale During Her Hearing #ReleaseAle

April 9th, 2018

After 4 weeks in detention, beloved activist and Mijente member Alejandra "Ale" Pablos finally received a date for her bond hearing! Ale has been held without bond since being taken into custody during a regular check-in with ICE on March 7. The bond hearing is Ale's chance to be released, but she needs everyone's support [...]


Date Set for Alejandra’s Bond

April 9th, 2018

Mijente member Alejandra Pablos was granted a bond hearing, which will determine if she can be released from detention. Click here to find out how you can support. Immigrant rights and reproductive rights activist Alejandra Pablos was granted a bond hearing before an immigration judge, to determine whether she will be released; she will be […]


A Letter to Mijente: “I’m Fighting with You”

April 4th, 2018

Mijente member Alejandra Pablos has been in ICE custody since March 7th. She wrote these powerful words to fellow members to show her love and gratitude.


Shackle Sessions, Not the People #FueraSessions #SessionsOUT

March 26th, 2018

  Washington, D.C. – A statue of Attorney General Jeff Sessions was be unveiled in front of the U.S. Supreme Court today by Latinx and immigrant rights organizers, calling attention to the defense of the Department of Justice in favor of chaining and shackling all people appearing before a federal judge. In the case, United […]


City of Chicago Under Review by OIG for Use of Gang Database

March 22nd, 2018

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The investigation comes after more than a year of campaigning for Chicago to be a real ‘Sanctuary’ for its residents by, amongst other demands, eliminating the Gang Database. Chicago, IL – Today Inspector General Joseph M. Ferguson announced that the City of Chicago Office of Inspector General will begin a review into […]
