Somedays you may wake up sad
somedays you may wake up frustrated
somedays you may wake up tired
somedays you may wonder if its worth it
somedays you may questioned your own growth
somedays you may think on how immense the world is
to be caged in this country
to be subjugated to all this abuse
somedays you just want to breath
And baby I am here
to remind you to sit in those moments
to sit in that whirlpool
but just know that there are people like me
picking up the load when you can’t
there are people like me pushing
so the weight of this country does not crush you
that there are people like you
who will fight when I can’t
we will take turns
pushing against these walls
I got your back and you got mine
and in the scheme of things does anything else matter
even if our fight is unfruitful
we will depart
with our dignity intact
we will depart knowing
that this country is losing
a prized possession
this country is losing
the gift of our resilience
We will watch them as they tear in to each other’s skins
and thank the heavens
we never turned beasts
like them

Yosimar Reyes is an undocumented American poet and activist, who was born in Guerrero, Mexico and raised in East San Jose, California.
Read more from Yosimar at YosimarReyes.Com and on