Posts Tagged ‘Latinx organizing’

Date Set for Alejandra’s Bond

April 9th, 2018

Mijente member Alejandra Pablos was granted a bond hearing, which will determine if she can be released from detention. Click here to find out how you can support. Immigrant rights and reproductive rights activist Alejandra Pablos was granted a bond hearing before an immigration judge, to determine whether she will be released; she will be […]


Shackle Sessions, Not the People #FueraSessions #SessionsOUT

March 26th, 2018

  Washington, D.C. – A statue of Attorney General Jeff Sessions was be unveiled in front of the U.S. Supreme Court today by Latinx and immigrant rights organizers, calling attention to the defense of the Department of Justice in favor of chaining and shackling all people appearing before a federal judge. In the case, United […]


We Do It For Our Gente: Release Ale Now

March 21st, 2018

Alejandra Pablos is a beloved Mijente member and fierce organizer that has been in ICE custody since March 7th.


Undocumented Activist Targeted by ICE Asks Immigration Judge to Throw Out Case Based on First Amendment

March 13th, 2018

Maru Mora-Villalpando, a Washington-based organizer facing her first immigration court date, files Motion to Terminate her deportation proceedings, citing First Amendment violations.


10 Ways to Fight for Ale #ReleaseAle #AlevsICE

March 12th, 2018

One day before International Women’s Day, nationally renowned immigrant rights and reproductive rights organizer and long-time Mijente member Alejandra Pablos was detained by ICE. She is the latest immigrant rights advocate facing deportation and is currently being held without bond at Eloy Detention Center in southern Arizona.   Since her detainment last Wednesday, Ale has […]


Washington State Sent Information on Undocumented Activist to Immigration Enforcement Agency

February 15th, 2018

Documents show the WA Department of Licensing (DOL) shared personal information used in the targeting of activist and mother Maru Mora-Villalpando. See the e-mails from DOL and ICE below. Maru and Washington-based organizers are asking the state and the DOL to take steps to address the harm they have caused all people whose information was [...]


Why Is Mijente Mobilizing Latinx for Stacey Abrams?

December 14th, 2017

Endorsement December 12, 2017 As a national political home for Latinx and Chicanx organizing, Mijente calls for a mobilization in support of State House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams for Governor of Georgia as part of a pro-Black, pro-Woman, pro-community agenda to show Latinx power, elect progressive candidates of color, and defend US born and immigrant Latinx communities. […]


Mijente Crew in Louisville, KY push forward Sanctuary Ordinance

November 9th, 2017

Mijente members in Louisville, KY advance Sanctuary for ALL


Ancestral Spiritual Resistance Zine – For Our Collective Healing

November 2nd, 2017

This Ancestral Spiritual Zine offers this collection of prayers, practices and intentions for the sake of the ancestors, for the sake of our families and the Earth who made us, and for the generations to come.


The People’s Sermon, by Paulina Helm Hernandez

October 27th, 2017

I’ve seen May Day co-opted over the years and real working people stomped over on the way to socialist rallies organized by people that cannot imagine such suffering. But our parents faces remind us of the true cost of sacrifice, and what it means to cross a river into a better life.
