This World Cup, who are you rooting for?
“Vine Aqui a Jugar”
¡América Latina Presente!
8 teams from América Latina qualified for the 2018 mundial: Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, Brasil, Peru, Panama, Mexico y Costa Rica!
Play the #MijenteCopa Challenge to compete with your friends and predict which teams will win during the 2018 Mundial. Scroll down for more.
Where will you watch the mundial?!
Whether it’s a bar, a community space or your favorite local restaurante, send us the name + address (including city, state) by email to [email protected] or tag us @conmijente on social media and we’ll share your event here.
Get together with comunidad to cheer your team on and celebrate all our latinidad!

Mijente Member: Natalia Berthet Garcia
Familia from: Montevideo, Uruguay
Common saying in Uruguay (related to soccer): “Uruguay, que no ni no!!!” — es una respuesta un poco peleadora/triunfal, quiere decir like, “you didn’t think we could but we did!”
What people don’t know about Uruguay: There are a lot of vaquitas. 🙂 It’s a country of about 3 million people but last I read, I think it has something like 12 million cows! A more political fact is that Jose Mujica, our former President, was a former member of Movimiento de Liberacion Nacional – Tupamaros.
I became a Mijente member because for a long time, it felt like a lot of my relationship to being Latina was based on me being undocumented, but I was always wanting to make space for other things that impacted me, my friends and family, and so many others that I want to be in solidarity with. I wanted to talk about workers’ rights, healthcare, queerness, etc. — and then here there was this beautiful space that was explicitly for all of that and more.

Mijente Member: Vera Mendoza
Familia from: Lima, Peru via Chincha and Trujillo
Common saying in Peru (related to soccer): “¡Arriba Peru, Carajo!”
What people don’t know about Peru: We are super proud of our gastronomic profile!
I became a Mijente member because it’s my home: Here my Afro-Indigenous roots are watered, my Queerness celebrated, my disabilities not seen as limitations. Most importantly, Mijente takes direct steps to build anti-imperialist, anti-racist, and anti-patriarchal movements. We push boundaries and make people uncomfortable, and we’re damn proud of disrupting the status quo.