Imagine a movement that is not simply pro-Latino…

but also pro-woman, pro-queer, pro-poor, pro-Black, pro-indigenous, pro-climate because OUR community is all of those things and WE care about all of them.

December 12 – 13, 2015 – We Launched Mijente


Beautiful People







“This is not a moment to stay on the sidelines.

Organizing teaches us that no one is coming to save us, we transform ourselves in order to save ourselves, and each other.

The question is, how can this be done?”

— From An Introduction to Mijente

Watch the Speeches

“Our people are so beautiful and powerful and inspiring and hurt and broken and fighting back, and I’m so honored to be walking together with so many of these folx.”

“I haven’t felt that challenged to go out of my comfort zone in a while, but at the same time, felt like I was being held by so many people as I navigated the conversation.”

“Lánzate, was, as Nayirrah Waheed says, like “everything I’ve lost returned to me”. Growing up a brown kid in a white community with a second generation dad who had been asked to aspire to whiteness, I did not have a lot of access to feeling a part of a Latinx community. I felt emotional many times, while we danced, while we chanted in Spanish, compared Chapurrado recipes, told stories, and just spend political time together. I felt embraced by and enlaced in something I had always craved.”

“We have a lot of work to do in our continued fight for liberation. It was great to connect with like minded folx and organizers but we have a lot of work to do to continue to fight for liberation and against anti-blackness.”